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Sabtu, 15 Feb 2025
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  • School Based Art and Entrepreneurship - Sekolah Berbasis Seni dan Kewirausahaan


promo english

English Club


SEC merupakan singkatan dari Smapa English Club. SEC adalah salah satu ekskul di SMAN 4 Jember yang menggunakan bahasa inggris dalam kegiatannya, dan sebagai wadah/ sarana bagi siswa yang tertarik untuk mengembangkan kemampuan bahasa inggris.

English as the international language is used in every aspect of communication and technology. The purpose of our club is to help the students be able to use English correctly and properly in order to be capable of facing the globalization era. Moreover, by joining this club you can share your problems that you face during English teaching-learning process in class.
We have many activities in our extracurricular such as debates, speech, and role play. Besides, we also have some fun activities like playing games, watching movies and etc.
Of course, our beloved teachers Mr. Muhammad Salim and Mrs. Putri Firda will guide you in improving your skill.
Last but not least, we want you to be brave, to be confident in this club. There’s nothing to be ashamed of.

COME AND JOIN US!!! That’s all, thanks.

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NPSN 20523826
Jl. Hayam Wuruk No. 145. Jember
TELEPON 0331-421819
WHATSAPP +6281231936689